Don't Spend Your Prospect's Money For Them

I'm wrapping up an epic family vacation right now, and time behind the keyboard is short, but before I left, I recorded a personal story that had a couple of sales lessons.

First, people make decisions with their emotions, sometimes even in spite of logic.

Secondly, not all business cases have clear financial returns on investment.

When the desire to solve a problem, and the affinity for your solution are high enough, they'll find the money. Don't let your own logic get in the way of a sale.

See you next Sunday.

The Chosen Vision golf marathon is back on July 31 this year. 

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My name is Jeff Bajorek, and I lead salespeople in such a way that they actually believe they can succeed. You didn't come here to be mediocre, and you'll never sell better than when you #SellLikeYou. If you'd like to learn more, check out this page.


"Fully Aligned" Aligning Personal Values and Sales Passion with DeJuan Brown


What is Your Why? How to Overcome Sales Challenges by Aligning Beliefs and Techniques