Learn more. Sell better.
Two and a Half Hours
I used to sell with a guy who would say, "Jeff I can sell our product in 2 1/2 hours. The problem is I only get it 5 minutes at a time."
It was an important dose of perspective to a young seller like myself.
"What Am I Supposed To Do Now?"
I was standing in an operating room with someone who had been a surgeon longer than I had been alive.
He turned around and asked me, "What am I supposed to do now?"
Slow Down. Take Up Space. Think.
I see a lot of reps rush through their delivery as soon as they get the chance.
It could be on a cold call when somebody answers. It could be during discovery when you feel like you have too much to talk about in a short period of time.
Fall In Love With The Work
"Jeff, can I sell something I don't love?"
Of course, you can make a good living doing it, too, but you won't be able to do your best work.
Leaning Into 2024
Another year is in the books.
Personally and professionally, my year had some significant peaks and valleys. I learned a lot and gained a lot of clarity as we go into the next year.
I Believe in Santa (And You Should Too)
With my Sunday message falling on Christmas Eve this year, it feels like the perfect opportunity to tell one of my favorite stories about magic and belief.
But Those Guys Were Sociopaths...
It gets even more difficult when you feel like you need to lean into something that isn't aligned with your own talents. That's like swimming upstream with one hand tied behind your back.
The world opens up when you recognize that you get to define your own greatness.
Good Enough Isn't Good Enough
Last weekend in Nashville, my wife and I were waited on by an aspiring musician. After chatting, we checked some of her music out on Spotify, and the streaming data didn't seem to match the talent. She looks the part, her music is well-produced, and it sounds like something you could hear if you turned on the radio and landed on any of a handful of stations.
Longevity Benefits Your Personal Brand
Something has come up a few times over the past week, and I didn't expect it- longevity.
A lot of sellers are moving around trying to advance their career, and I absolutely advocate that you find the right spot for yourself, because you'll never do your best work if you're not in the right position with the right company.
Be Held Accountable: Empowering Sales Through Accountability Strategies for Salespeople and Managers
In the latest episode of "Rethink the Way You Sell," host Jeff Bajorek explores the critical theme of accountability in sales. Titled "Be Held Accountable," this episode delves into why accountability is often perceived negatively and seeks to redefine it as a positive and essential aspect of professional growth.
Joe Will Never Be Eddie
It was a long weekend, and I hope you got some rest before the race to the end of the year. I recorded a quick video this week because of the holiday and because a story I read a few days ago reminded me that the principles behind #SellLikeYou are valid at the highest levels.
Why They Buy is WAY More Important Than How You Sell
In this captivating episode of "Rethink the Way You Sell," host Jeff Bajorek welcomes a true titan of the sales world, Jeffrey Gitomer. Known as the 'King of Sales,' Gitomer shares invaluable insights that have shaped the industry.
The Company You Keep
Yesterday was my favorite day of the year.
Since 1999, my friends and I have been gathering together for a pre-Thanksgiving party in my home.
It started as kind of a gag- "Let's get dressed up and do something fancy" (you know, while sitting on the floor, eating off of paper plates with a keg of beer in the bathtub). We called it a Thanksgiving Feast with Merriment to Follow. I mailed paper invitations.
You Lose Business the Same Way You Win It
Jeff delves into the powerful concept that you win and lose business in the same manner, a lesson learned early in his sales career.
It's About More Than The Sheet Music
I was going to write about prospecting this week. My initial thoughts got the party started here.
But then I took my son to Metallica (his first concert) on Friday, and I had a more pertinent thought.
Focus on Problems NOT Solutions. The Critical Difference Between COI and ROI in Sales.
In this insightful episode of "Rethink the Way You Sell," host Jeff Bajorek explores the delicate dance between cost of inaction (COI) and return on investment (ROI) in the sales process. Jeff breaks down the critical role emotions play in decision-making, discussing how a balance of COI and ROI can make or break the interest of a prospect. With a nod to the exchanges with thought leader Maria Bras, this conversation unravels the common mistakes that can stall progress and kill deals, emphasizing the necessity of evoking the right mix of emotional triggers to drive a sale forward.
Work Backward From The End Result
It was supposed to be the last exhaust fan I put into that bathroom, but some ten years later, I was trying to figure out how I put it in there so I could take it out.
People Buy Emotionally. No Tension, No Sale
In this episode of Rethink the Way You Sell, host Jeff Bajorek challenges the traditional methods that dominate the sales landscape. He confronts the idea that logic alone can seal a deal, asserting that people buy emotionally first and only justify their decisions logically later. Jeff also debunks the increasingly popular notion that inbound marketing should take precedence, arguing that a more proactive approach is needed to effectively pull prospects through the sales pipeline.
Be Credible and Relevant: How to Build a Personal Brand that Sells
In this episode of "Rethink the Way You Sell," host Jeff Bajorek explores the critical role of personal brand and credibility in the sales process. He challenges listeners to ponder the question: Are you someone worth talking to with something worth talking about? Jeff argues that being perceived as a person of value, not just in business but also in life, can be the game-changer when it comes to getting callbacks, closing deals, and earning referrals.