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Everybody Wins When You're Aligned
...and nobody does when you're not.
I had the same conversation two separate times with two separate sales reps on back-to-back days. When that happens to me, I know I need to address it for the rest of you because there are some people out there who are going through this and really just don't know where to turn.
Here's the situation.
What Are You Afraid Of?
Over the seven-plus years that I’ve had my consulting business, I’ve become much more interested in what holds salespeople back than what moves them forward. The problems themselves are more interesting than the fixes, and the fun is in the application.
Are You Willing To Step Up?
Your prospects need you now more than ever.
I could probably end this piece right now, but that would be anticlimactic, wouldn't it?
The Push Is Over (For Now). How'd It Feel?
Everybody who's ever sold against a quota can relate.
The end of the month, quarter, or year involves a mad dash to the finish line. Of course, projects need to be completed, and beans need to be counted. These guideposts are important. What gets out of hand is when the deal's timing becomes more important than the deal's value.
3 Ways Sales Reps Sabotage Their Deals
I spoke with a prospect this week about how his team is getting enough meetings, but they’re not leading to enough real opportunities.
“A third of the meetings we get are BS. My reps want to ensure they’re doing what they’ve been told, but many of these never even turn into second meetings.”