I used to sell with a guy who would say, "Jeff I can sell our product in 2 1/2 hours. The problem is I only get it 5 minutes at a time."

It was an important dose of perspective to a young seller like myself.

For as excited as I was about what I was selling, and for as simple of a sale as it seemed, there were a lot of things that needed to happen in order for everything to go through.

There were also a lot of things that could've gotten in the way.

When was the last time you stepped back and took a different perspective on what you sell?

Are you so stuck in the weeds that you can't see the big picture?

This bigger perspective not only helps you manage your own expectations, it helps you address all the little things that make your buyer's experience better.

You owe it to yourself and everybody else involved to be aware of the whole 2 1/2 hours rather than each five-minute interaction.


"What Am I Supposed To Do Now?"