Learn more. Sell better.
3 Key Lessons From A Long Week
Between the Sales Success Summit in Austin and a client retreat in Annapolis, this week was essentially a series of 15-hour days. It's an understatement to say that I had a lot to process but didn't get much time to write.
Instead of jamming on this keyboard for a couple of hours to articulate a few concepts, I thought I'd just sit down in front of a camera and process them in real time with you.
Know The Rules and Principles: The Secret to Sustainable Sales Success
In this enlightening episode of "Rethink the Way You Sell", host Jeff Bajorek tackles the intricacies of mastering the sales process by leveraging one's authenticity. As he unveils Season Five's theme around the seven transformative steps to "sell like you", Jeff explores the fine line between setting rules and understanding principles in sales. By sharing his insights into the importance of credibility, relevance, and using emotion appropriately, Jeff encourages listeners to reflect on the core values guiding their sales performance.
Just Do It
The biggest reason most salespeople are failing right now is because they're not doing the work. And not just the right work. In some cases, they're not doing any work.
Perfect Is the Enemy of Good Sales: How Over-Preparation Can Stall Your Sales Cycle
In this episode of "Rethink the Way You Sell," host Jeff Bajorek challenges listeners to reevaluate their pursuit of perfection in the sales process.
What Real Empathy Feels Like
Something hit me after I left the gym yesterday. Believe it or not, I drew a parallel between B2B selling and fitness coaching.
Yes, the great ones have something distinctly in common (and my Orangetheory membership proves valuable in yet another way).
Handle Objections With Your E.A.R: Mastering the Art of Negotiation in Sales
Are you struggling with handling objections and negotiating with prospects? In this episode of Rethink the Way You Sell, host Jeff Bajorek offers a framework to help you stay present, acknowledging the other person's perspective while redirecting back to the core problem you are trying to solve together.
Sales Team Lessons From The Ryder Cup
Golf is usually an individual sport, so team competitions like the Ryder Cup add a different dynamic, and match play is just so much fun to watch. I watched the competition (and Golf Twitter for my favorite commentary) this weekend, and there were some clear corollaries between golf teams and sales teams.
Selling is usually considered an individual "sport" as well, but you can't afford to underestimate the impact the surrounding team and environment have on results. Sellers are all different. We don't all have the same motives, even if we have a few in common, but it's rare that a team of lone wolves who don't care about each other will consistently outperform a team with tight bonds between them.
Make a Recommendation, Not a Pitch: Ditching the Presentation Script for Authentic Connections
Have you ever felt a disconnect when shifting from understanding your prospect's needs to laying out your pitch? Jeff sheds light on the common mistake of overthinking the presentation aspect, emphasizing the power of recommendation over scripted slides.
Don't Take The Bait
Great discovery takes a lot of discipline. It’s easy to get lured into pitching your solution before you’re ready to, and your customers do this to you all the time. Someone takes your cold call, or they walk up to your booth at a trade show, and they say something like…
Discovery Is The Selling Part
A lot of sellers like to hurry through discovery to get to the selling part.
Discovery IS the selling part!
Discovery IS the Selling Part: 6 Outcomes of GREAT Discovery
In this episode of "Rethink the Way You Sell," host Jeff Bajorek explains why discovery is not just a necessary part of the sales process but a valuable part. He gives you the 6 outcomes you can expect if you spend more time on discovery.
Longer, More Often, and With Greater Value
"But I am prospecting..."
You think you are, but you really aren't.
Sure, you're going through the motions. You attempted to reach a few human beings, enough to say you did some work, but you have to ask yourself, did you really put any effort into it, or are you just going through the motions?
Be Persistent, Not a Pest - Frequency, Duration and Creativity in Modern Sales Prospecting
In the latest episode of "Rethink the Way You Sell," host Jeff Bajorek dives deep into the art and science of prospecting. Jeff explains why conventional methods aren't breaking through the noise and capturing the attention of your prospect. He challenges you to rethink your approach to outreach frequency and duration, offering concrete insights into what really works based on industry data.
Know Your Methods: I'm BEGGING You to Be More Salesy
In this episode of "Rethink The Way You Sell," hosted by Jeff Bajorek, you'll be challenged to redefine what it means to be "salesy" as Jeff continues to reveal the 7 steps to #SellLikeYou. Jeff passionately argues that being salesy doesn't have to be a negative term, and he encourages you to embrace it as a positive aspect of your profession.
You're Wrong About Your CRM: How to Transform Your CRM from a Management Tool to a Sales Weapon
In this episode of "Rethink the Way You Sell," hosted by Jeff Bajorek, listeners are invited to take a fresh look at Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems.
Write It Out
If you asked me for the single best tool I've ever used to improve my selling skills, I'd tell you it's the keyboard.
Write Out Your Sales Process
On this next episode of Rethink the Way You Sell Podcast, join Jeff Bajorek as he tailors the essential aspects of a sales process directly to you. Imagine, he's guiding you to break down your sales process into four key steps: identifying potential clients, capturing their attention, articulating your value, and confidently advancing to the next stages. Jeff walks you through how to make this process your own, irrespective of whether you're selling a simple product or a complex solution, nudging you to assess and clearly define your unique approach.
Know Your Sales Process: Mastering the Art and Science of Selling
In this episode of Rethink the Way You Sell, hosted by Jeff Bajorek, the spotlight is on the third step of the Seven Steps to Sell Like You: Know Your Sales Process.
You’re Looking At Growth All Wrong
There’s more revenue right in front of you than you know what to do with. It’s staring you right in the face. You even say hello to it on a regular basis, and you don't recognize it because your mind is elsewhere.