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What to Do After “No”
You might think I’m weird, but I’m here to tell you: those metaphorical punches in the face can be exhilarating, and they help drive my success. Bumps in the road beg you to reevaluate.
Your Attitude is Contagious
Between every stimulus and your response, there is a moment where you get to decide how to proceed. That's what you can't forget. That's what you cannot allow to be beaten out of you. You have a choice.
Setting the Pace for the New Year
The counter was reset to zero this week. The hourglass has also just been flipped over- there's a lot of sand at the top. There’s never been a better time to start looking at the long-term than right now.
Operating as a Post-Quota Salesperson
A funny thing happens when you stop focusing on the end of the month. It's almost as if you're given more months.
Rethinking Competition: What If There’s No Such Thing as a Competitor?
If you can adequately differentiate yourself and demonstrate that you can provide outcomes that nobody else can, then nobody is really a competitor.
Sluggish Results? You Don’t Have a Training Issue. You Have a Culture Issue.
The disease afflicting most sales organizations is not a lack of skills, desire, or even commitment. What these teams have not created is a culture or environment where continuous improvement is the norm.
Don’t Try and Dazzle Your prospects, Seek to Understand Them
None of your customers do business with you because you occasionally buy them a free meal, entertain them for an afternoon, or make a great presentation. They buy from you because they have a problem, and you have the solution.
Embrace the Struggle
The fact is, sales success is difficult to achieve. But there’s a lot of satisfaction in learning to accomplish things that have a high degree of difficulty.
The Importance of Taking Ownership
It's about identifying and understanding what needs to be done, empowering others to do the work they're entrusted to do, and owning the outcome regardless of whether it's good or bad.
4 Ways to Retool your Attitude to Thrive in the Face of Adversity
When challenges arise, it’s easy to get defensive and complain, but when the going gets tough, the tough get going. The tough view obstacles as opportunities. Sometimes we all need an attitude adjustment.
When it Goes Sideways
I’ve written a lot about the necessity of a positive attitude for success. There just isn’t any way around it. You’ve got to build one, then work your tail off to maintain it.
Is Overthinking Killing Your Prospecting?
Prospecting methods have evolved over time and continue to differ across industries, but the principle remains: the mode doesn’t matter as much as the message.
Vulnerability: The Secret to Closing More Sales
You probably don’t ask your prospects directly on sales calls, “Can we get vulnerable for a minute?” But in reality, that is what you’re requesting. Vulnerability.
4 Inspiring Thoughts on Wisdom from Rob Bell
Keep these philosophies in mind on your next prospecting call and during every interaction you have…
Guest Post: Focus on Others
The strongest connections I’ve ever created have all started as a result of me giving in some way to the other person FIRST.
Sell Like the Rock Star you Are
You’d be surprised to find out how often that attitude check at the door is all that stands between you and what you want.
What Are you Doing Every Day to Get Better at Sales?
I want to challenge you to think about the thing that is holding you back. 99% of the time that thing is you, and it’s time you stopped making excuses.
Let's Face It, You Can't Work Harder
Don’t kid yourself. Chasing infinite efficiency is a fool’s errand. You’re a human being, not a robot. The water cooler is not the only reason you don’t put in eight productive hours at the office.
What if you Didn't have an Expense Account?
What’s more responsible for your success, your acumen or your corporate credit card?
What do you do with a Broken Egg?
Sometimes eggs break- and that’s what it takes to make an amazing meal. Spend more time thinking about what things could be instead of what they’re not right now.