Learn more. Sell better.
Are you measuring what matters?
Growing a business requires a pragmatic approach. Ask the right questions, even if they're the tough ones.
The Three-Letter Thing That’s Standing in the Way of your Sales Success
In sales, ego is your enemy. The way to combat it is not by backing down, but rather by stepping up.
Sales Slump?: How to Block out the Noise and Control the Controllables
If you're doing everything right, and the dominoes just aren't falling yet, then keep your chin up, put your head down, and keep going.
How to Break Through Sales Excuses and Pick Up the Phone
What’s stopping you from picking up the phone?
Lessons from an Impromptu Fast
I didn’t eat for almost half the week (on purpose!), and I learned more than I bargained for.
Discount is a Four-Letter Word
When you lower your price, you’ve failed to create enough value to justify the original quote.
The Problem with “Setting Goals”
The problem with goal setting is that most people don't have a good context within which to set them.
Are you Arrogant Enough?
All too often, self-imposed limitations born from a lack of self-belief are allowed to thrive in the name of humility.
Flipping the Switch from Slog to Intentional Focus
Are you willing to make a commitment? Will you take ownership of the outcomes so that your efforts are worthwhile? Or instead, are you just going to slog through another year and get results that are less than what you're capable of?
Success is in the eye of the Beholder
Success is not about crossing some inanimate finish line or sleeping on a big pile of money. To me, success is showing up every day and doing the work that allows you to connect with and enrich the lives of other people.
Lessons from Vacation
Vacation does so much more than recharge the batteries. It reminds you what is important, and it interrupts the steady stream of noise we navigate daily.
Give Up Sugar - Tell the Truth
In business, trust is the most valuable currency. What I find ironic is that the misguided efforts to build and keep it are often the very reasons it's lost.
The Salesman's Search For Meaning
When you have it, you need to heed it. When you don't, you need to seek it. It's the thing that drives you when you don't feel like driving anymore.
Communication Breakdown
What would your organization look like if there was more transparency?
The Importance of Defining your Intent and Believing you can Achieve It
What does it take to succeed? A lot more than a skill set and hard work.
Why do you work so hard?
Adding an extra day to a business trip is not a vacation. Working remotely from a beach or a golf course is not a vacation. While they are perks of the job, let's stop pretending that they're ideal. Stop convincing yourself that the whole enterprise will fall apart if you're not constantly connected.
The Island of Misfit Salespeople
When you get the leeway to take more risks and push more envelopes, you begin to break away from the pack. Suddenly, you look around and notice you're doing things a lot differently than your peers. It's like you're on an island. Even though you're there for all the right reasons, you still feel like you're alone.
The Secret of the Top 5% of Sales People
The average sales person doesn't realize that he can't just read his print copy to people and expect customers to buy. Talking points are meaningless unless they're intensely personal. Work ethic, hustle, and customer service are not salient enough concepts to convert customers by themselves.
Want Sales Success? Show Up Every Day and Earn It
Sure, a few people may be unbelievably fortunate, but that's not a game you can bet on and win. True mastery comes with time, experience, and dedicated intentional practice.